There are no upcoming events.


It has been an exciting week at RGLPS, our preps have started fulltime, and we are all looking forward to the athletics carnival next week. Our students are engaging well in the learning and wellbeing programs, and we are almost ready to commence some of our tutoring and enrichment programs. Things are really starting to feel settled. Let us all hope that it continues.

School Council

Our new School Council will meet together for the first time on March 30th, following the Annual General Meeting. We welcome new members Jane Black, Kerron Worsdell, Simon Gridley and Brittania Jacobson-Mills.

Our 2023 parent members are Richard Thornton, Luke Bell, Bronwyn Sealey, Shaun Keogh, Kristina Smith, Lucy Penninger, Simon Gridley and Brittania Jacobson-Mills.

Expressions of interest will be sought for our subcommittees in 2023 to reflect the work that is done within the school council. These subcommittees are not exclusively for school council members and are open to all members of the community. Do keep an eye open for information regarding subcommittees as they are a great way for people to get involved with and support the school.

We look forward to a very productive year.   

Junior School Council and Environmental Leaders

Congratulations to all of our elected 2023 Junior School Council and Environmental leaders. The badges have finally been delivered and we will be able to hand them out at assembly next Monday. We start at around 9:10 and it is a really lovely community event. If you do get an opportunity to drop in and watch the ceremony, I highly recommend it.

International Women's Day

Don’t forget that Wednesday 8 March 2023 is International Women’s Day. Whenever I talk to visitors about RGLPS I comment on how beautiful our community culture is because we very clearly embrace diversity. I am really looking forward to seeing how our students celebrate this day.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers





NAPLAN 2023 is going to be happening very soon for our Years 3 and 5 students. Our school has set a timeline to participate starting on the 15th of March. Our schedule for testing will be as follows:

Wednesday, March 15th
9:30 – Writing
12:30 – Reading

Thursday, March 16th
9:30 – Conventions of Language
12:30 – Numeracy

We will be running make up tests for students on the Friday this week and into the week of the 20th.

Our students will also be participating in some practice sessions leading up to the official tests to ensure they are familiar with the testing platform and the way to answer particular types of questions. 

For more information please see the attached information brochure here:

Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.

Looking for Support?


The Conitive Demands of Writing

Many children find learning to write enormously challenging. Given the significant cognitive demands of the task, this is understandable. Early writers are trying to learn and integrate a range of complex skills including:


  •   – Generating ideas
  •   – Planning, organising and drafting
  •   – Revising text
  •   – Editing – applying correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  •   – Managing the demands of different genres
  •   – Considering their audience
  •   – Managing motor skills such as holding a pencil, correctly forming letters or using a keyboard

This is a lot for all learners to manage simultaneously, particularly young children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) or a disability.


To support early writers at RGLPS, we try and engage children in ‘low stakes’ writing, as much as possible. This is writing is writing that is not directly responsible for a grade or mark. ‘Low stakes’ writing allows writers to experiment with language and take risks – without the pressure for perfection on the first effort.


In contrast, ‘high stakes’ writing can lead to many children becoming anxious, even paralysed by expectations. Some children will refuse to write or produce very little, rather than potentially make a mistake. Fear of making an error can slow the writing process down enormously for children. By stop-starting their thinking to ensure each word is spelt accurately, children can struggle to retain their train of thought and to adequately develop their ideas.


As teachers and parents, we can make writing less pressurised by reducing expectations that children will produce perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation in their first draft. The learner’s cognitive focus during the drafting phase of writing should be on capturing their ideas and expressing themselves. Once the writer has recorded their ideas and is satisfied with the content of their writing, they can then switch their focus to the mechanics of writing – spelling, punctuation, grammar, and presentation. We encourage all parents to ask your child/ren to prioritise getting their ideas down on the paper and remind them that they can return to and fix up spelling and punctuation later for their final copy. Stress that the spelling, punctuation, and handwriting is not what their brain should be focusing on when they are recording initial ideas in their draft.


After they have drafted and revised their writing, children are taught to carefully check through their writing to apply punctuation and correct spelling. It is important that all children know that published or final copies of writing needs to be accurate so the reader/audience can understand it.


If you have any questions about the writing process and your child, please contact the school or speak to your child’s teacher.


I hope everyone has a great week – best of luck to students sitting NAPLAN tests next week!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


To celebrate World Maths Day on Wednesday 8th March, we are excited to invite families from the RGLPS community into our classrooms to participate in some maths games with students. This is a great opportunity to engage with your child within their classroom environment, and a chance for students to share their learning with you.

Most classrooms will be open from 9:00am-9:50am, however some classes that have a specialist lesson during this time will instead open their rooms to you in the 2:40pm-3:30pm timeslot. Open times for specific classes are:

We can’t wait to see you then!



Do not stop your car on the yellow line at school crossings, in either Brassey Avenue or in Finlayson Street.  This is illegal and extremely unsafe!



Camps Excursion and Activities Fund (CSEF) - (for parents holding a current Health Care Card)

Applications are now open for 2023 CSEF funding. If you received CSEF in 2022, I have submitted an application on your behalf and nothing further is required from you unless there is a prep student to be added. In this case, please contact me on to confirm I have added your student.

CSEF funding is a government initiative to assist families where a parent or carer is the beneficiary of a financially means-tested card (most commonly a Health Care Card, however please contact me if you require the full list of eligible cards). The funding is to be used for camps, excursions and activities. Please advise the office or chose the CSEF option on Compass when you wish to access the funds for any of these purposes. We don’t do this automatically as some parents prefer to pay smaller amounts themselves and use the funding for more expensive activities such as camps. Any unused funds are automatically rolled over to the following year and are transferred to your child’s next school if applicable.

If you are an eligible parent, and have not received CSEF in the past, please call past the office to collect an application form and present your card.


District Swimming Carnival

On Monday the 27th of February, the RGLPS Swimming Team ventured to Watermarc to compete against our local schools. With 33 students attending, it was our largest team for many years which was very exciting. I am pleased to say that all students did a superb job and swam their hearts out, no matter if they took home a ribbon or not – we were all very proud of everyone!


This year we have 15 students qualifying for the Division Swimming Championships which is the best result we have ever had. Good luck and thanks so much to Kalita Webb and Lisa Powell for being our parent helpers assisting Mr Butler.




Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator



Parent Volunteers

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help at canteen. It would be great to have some more helpers on a Friday and some Mondays.  If you can help out please ring or text me on 0438 585 323.

Summer Specials

Beefie Burger – burger served in a roll with lettuce, tomato, cheese and tomato sauce:          $6.10

                                                                                                                      Extras:  Pineapple:           $0.80

                                                                                                                                      Beetroot:           $0.70


Plant Bases Burger – burger served in a roll with lettuce, tomato and tomato sauce:               $7.10

 (Burger is Gluten Free)                                                                             Extra:  Pineapple:             $0.80

                                                                                                                                    Beetroot:             $0.70


       Fruit – Cantaloupe   $1 per slice


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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