Enrolments and Planning for 2020
At this stage we are at capacity in all our grades for 2020. It is imperative that we have the enrolments of any children where we are the closest school. Conversely, any parents who know their children will not be continuing at Golf Links in 2020, could you please let me know in writing as soon as possible. Even if you are not sure at this moment, a note about the possibility that this may occur is always helpful. As enrolment numbers affect our staffing decisions and the number of classes we have, it is important that we are able to predict as closely as possible what our expected enrolment will be in 2020.
At this stage we have reached capacity in all our grades for 2020. It is imperative that we have the enrolments of any children where we are the closest school. Conversely, any parents who know their children will not be continuing at Golf Links in 2020, could you please let me know in writing as soon as possible. Even if you are not sure at this moment, a note about the possibility that this may occur is always helpful. As enrolment numbers affect our staffing decisions and the number of classes we have, it is important that we are able to predict as closely as possible what our expected enrolment will be in 2020.
Parent Opinion Survey – Extended Closing Date August 18
Thank you to those parents who received and have already completed the Parent Opinion Survey.
If you are still to complete the closing date for the online Parent Opinion Survey has been extended to Sunday 18 August 2019. Parents can submit completed online surveys until 11:59PM Sunday 18 August 2019.
Look for the email sent on July 17, 2019 that gives you the link to the survey and follow the instructions outlined.
Please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future management and organisation of our school.
Supervision After Hours
I was absolutely devastated to see graffiti on our new laid surface the very evening it was laid. This is obviously a child from our school with the words “Cool Maths Games” scrawled into the side. We have managed to remove it, but it has urged me to remind families that at no stage should children be on site at any time unsupervised. We are fortunate to not have large fences and gates installed at this stage on our site. We are very community focussed and love having our neighbourhood care for environment and facilities as much as we do. Please, please ensure children are not coming onsite after hours without proper supervision.
PLEASE NOTIFY US IF YOU KNOW OF Slap Face, Measles or Chickenpox at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School
Please be aware that students in our school community are currently receiving medical treatment. They participate actively in the normal school program without any major limitations. A major concern, however, is if this student develops slap face, measles or chickenpox, he/she can become seriously ill. I seek your cooperation in preventing this situation. If your son/daughter has or may have measles or chickenpox, I request that you do not send them to school during this period and notify the class teacher as soon as possible.
REMINDER: It’s OK to lose – why we need to stop shielding kids from failure
I urge our families to listen to this interview with Hugh Van Cuylenberg from the Resilience Project and educator and parenting expert, Clark Right.
Some key quotes:
• Are they missing out on vital life skills that demand resilience
• It comes from a loving place but we are wrapping our kids in cotton wool.
• We need to step back as parents.
• Gratitude, empathy, mindfulness, failure and hardship to have a life where they can resolve problems themselves.
• Kids are scared of failing and so don’t take positive risks, therefore they’re not going to experience adversity to become resilient.
• We don’t get a trophy for just rocking up to work, we need to mimic real life.
• We have to back our teachers in more, they are highly skilled and highly trained.
• We need to let kids lose and unwrap children from cotton wool.
• We don’t protect our kids by making them happy all the time.
• We are in a world that demands resilience.
Another must watch – How to stop bullying
What if we were resilient? What if we were strong? What if we were mentally tough?
Have you joined with us? You will find ongoing updates
Please head over and ‘LIKE’ us at
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Kelly Morrow
student of the week
Students of the Week
The school has recently purchased two copies of ‘Raising Resilient Kids – a collection of insights from Australia’s most celebrated experts in education and psychology’ by Sharon Witt.
Resilience is a term that has gained traction in recent years, becoming the “buzzword” if you will. It’s easy to see why it’s a word that resonates with parents, carers, educators- anyone who is involved in the lives of children and teenagers, as we all have similar goals – namely, to develop strong, capable, well-balanced and above all, kind, decent, and resilient young people.
Throughout this book, a number of Australia’s best experts will touch on some of the biggest and most challenging influences on young people today – including cyber safety, pornography, anxiety and self-harm – and they offer not only current statistics and information, but strategies to help us as parents, educators and carers, to navigate this minefield and raise them to become confident, resilient people.
Topics covered include:
- How to build happy and resilient children
- Nurturing resilience in our children during their early years
- Building resilience in the digital space
- Building resilience in a society that is highly impacted by pornography
- Understanding and responding to self-harm in our young people
- How gratitude is important to developing resilience
- Helping our young people manage anxiety
- How parents and others caring for children and teens can build their own resilience
About the Author
Sharon Witt has been immersed in teen world for over two decades in her role as a Secondary teacher, author of thirteen books, and Presenter to adolescents and their parents around the country.
She is a regular media commentator on issues impacting young people, parenting and educational issues. She also writes for a number of publications including Mici, Gigi and Bella magazines for adolescent girls.
These copies have been made available for parents to borrow under their child’s name from our school library. The best time to visit the school library is on Mondays and Wednesdays between 2:00pm and 2:30pm. Come by the office to sign in and our office staff can direct you.
Next week we will have our Deaf Facility Student Support Group Meetings, from Monday August 12 to Friday August 16th. If you are unable to make your classes allocated times and would like a meeting, please contact Thom Jackson to organise other arrangements.
Chocolate Drive
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Cadbury Chocolate Drive this term. We are still waiting on some overdue payments. Please contact the office for more information or to extend your due date.
Sock Drive
Our Sock Drive closes tomorrow, Friday August 9th. Thank you to those families that have returned their payments. If you require an extension on the due date, please contact the office.
Father’s Day
Father’s Day stall will be on Tuesday, August 27th. Students will be shopping during the day in their class groups and can purchase up to two gifts. Prices range from $3 to $10. Please bring along money and a shopping bag on the day.
We are always looking for volunteers to ensure the success of our community and fundraising events. If you would like to volunteer on the day, your support would be much appreciated. Please follow the link and sign up to a timeslot/s you can help.
Students are welcome to return to the stall after school if they wish to purchase extra gifts
Fun Run
Following our Father’s Day stall later this month, our major event for the year will be our Colour Fun Run, which will be held on Friday, October 25th. Mark it in your diaries, because we’re planning on putting the fun in Fun Run! Later this term (until the event), students will be encouraged to get donations and/or sponsorship for the Colour Fun Run. The more you raise, the better the prizes children can get! Stay tuned for more information!
Tuesday 20th August
On Tuesday 20th August we will be celebrating Children’s Book Week with a special dress up day, a visit from author Tony Wilson, the annual House Literature Quiz and some special book reading activities. This year’s theme is “Reading is my Secret Power”. Students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character or in a costume related to the theme. Classes will be timetabled to see Tony Wilson during the morning. You may pre-order Tony’s Books using the order form distributed via Compass (please return orders to the school by Wednesday 7th August). Tony will bring the signed copies of any books purchased with him on the day.
Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is super excited to announce that as part of our Arts Term, we will be hosting a performance for our students by The Ridiculous Rhyme Show. The show was written and developed by UK children’s television presenters Joe Chambers and Andrew Crawford. Joe and Andy play First Officer Ditty and Professor Poet on BBC children’s show ‘The Rhyme Rocket’. Now, with a team of six, they have visited over 600 schools, headlined Glastonbury music festival ‘Kidz Field’, and are excited to be coming all the way down under to visit schools in Australia.
The Ridiculous Rhyme Show was written for primary school audiences using interactive performance and comedy. It encourages children to enjoy literacy through creative word play, which can be carried back into the classroom following the visit. The presenters will also run a TV workshop for Years 5 & 6. This is an opportunity for students to get an insight into the media industry and the variety of career paths within it. A production studio will be created in our school gym and some students will be assigned job roles before filming a few scenes. The Ridiculous Rhyme Show will be performing at our school on Tuesday, August 13th.
You can find out more about The Ridiculous Rhyme Show here
Student’s at RGLPS are preparing for the Writer’s Festival. We are currently in the publishing phase and are excited to show our work throughout the Festival. Please enjoy this taster from Emma White. We hope you can join us on the 19th or 20th of August to share our literary skills.
By Emma White 5/6P
Please note: The work we put into the Newsletter will sometimes be published in its raw form, meaning the work may not be corrected. This is because we choose to celebrate the child as a writer instead of picking apart the piece in the search for errors. Constructive feedback is always given to our students in a range of ways, correcting books with red pen is only one way to give feedback to a student.
Dear School
Darebin Creek Management Committee were saddened at the recent death of a platypus in our creek.
We decided to send a message out to schools in a bid to raise awareness of the problem, and hopefully help reduce these type of deaths.
Awareness of the types of litter that affects platypus is important.
Students picking up litter at school or on the way to school can be a great start.
Whether the nearest creek is Edgars, Darebin, Findon, Merri or Plenty River, the same messages apply.
We offer a free education program that addresses water quality
We have frog eggs and tadpoles!!!!!
Tournament of Minds
Our RGLPS Tournament of Minds team is deep into planning their presentation for the Northern Metro Final at La Trobe University on the weekend of 24-25th August 2019.
The members of the TOM team participate in a weekly two hour workshop each Tuesday and also have several full day workshops planned in the lead up to the competition. The team has selected to participate in the Arts Challenge this year and are busy writing scripts, creating costumes, props, backdrops and other materials to support their presentation. We wish the 2019 TOM team the best of luck for their big day!
Caption for the photo:
Tournament of Mind Team 2019 – Ben W, Lucas S, Lachlan D, Audrey J, Kate M, Zoe L and Sophie B.
ICAS UNSW Assessments
A reminder that registration for ICAS tests closes on Wednesday 14th August 2019. All tests will be completed online this year, aside from the Year 3/4 Writing ICAS.
To register your child for ICAS:
- Login at:
- Type in the school’s unique access code when prompted: befd071562
- Complete the registration details for your child (or multiple children) and select which ICAS tests you would like them to participate in. (see below for dates and eligible year levels)
- Complete the billing information and make an encrypted payment by credit card (VISA or Mastercard) for the tests selected.
ICAS Testing Dates in 2019:
Date | ICAS Test | Who is eligible? |
Tues Sept 3rd, 2019 | ICAS Digital Technologies | Years 3 – 6 |
Thurs Sept 5th, 2019 | ICAS Science | Years 2 – 6 |
Tues Sept 10th, 2019 | ICAS Writing *Paper based test for year 3/4 only | Years 3 – 6 |
Thurs Sept 12th, 2019 | ICAS Spelling | Years 3 – 6 |
Tues Sept 17th, 2019 | ICAS English | Years 2 – 6 |
Thurs Sept 19th, 2019 | ICAS Mathematics | Years 2 – 6 |
Please contact Kerron (9457 4178) if you have questions about ICAS.
Maths Olympiad
Congratulations to the thirty Year 5/6 students participating in the 2019 Maths Olympiad. Students have now participated in their third Olympiad with two more Olympiads to follow on Wednesday August 21st and Wednesday September 11th.
During each Olympiad, students tackle complex mathematics problems aligned with lower secondary level mathematics concepts. Students who participate in the challenge are attempting problems pitched well above their actual age level. I am especially impressed with those students who have persisted with difficult problems and who have been willing to learn from the strategies and methods employed by others. Good luck to the team for the final two Olympiads!
Kerron Worsdell (Teaching and Learning Coach)
Jump Rope for Heart
This year our school is participating in Jump Rope for Heart, a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program by the Heart Foundation. The program helps keep the RGLPS students active and healthy while learning new skills, and raising funds for vital heart research and education programs.
This year students can fundraise by making a gold coin donation at the ‘Jump-Off’ day on Wednesday 4th September. The day will involve students wearing house colours and engaging in a variety of skipping activities for an hour throughout the day.
Junior District Hoop Time Basketball
On Thursday 1st August, a select group of grade 3/4 students from RGLPS competed at the District Hoop Time Basketball tournament. The performance and behavior of all teams was outstanding as students tried their best in each game.
The All-Star girls team played hard in each game, they never took a backward step and were rewarded by making it to the grand final undefeated. They did their best in the final but unfortunately couldn’t get the win, an amazing effort nonetheless!
The All-Star boys team showed determination and great pressure in each game, they won two of their six games and proudly finished fifth in their pool.
The Rookies had an amazing day, going undefeated with a draw in their games. The teamwork and effort they produced in each game was nothing short of spectacular.
Thank you to Ben Godfrey and grade 6 students Julia and Lucas for coaching. Thank you to all the parents who came to support the RGLPS students and to those who donated their time to score during games, we couldn’t have done it without you!
Michael Brunelli
PE Coordinator
Just a friendly reminder that we do not have direct debit available in our program. I apologises for the confusion as the invoices state we do.
Account can be payable by cash, cheque or EFT facility is available.
Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office (please have your invoice with you).
If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person
It’s that time of year again.
The OSHC Father’s Day Breakfast.
Come along for a delicious breakfast before work.
Date: Friday 30th August 2019
Time: Between 7am 8.30am
Where: in the Hall.
So please come along. Bring your Dad, Grandad, uncle, big brother, friend, or someone special to you and celebrate these special people with us.
Please RSVP by the 23rd August to avoid disappointment.
- Hash Browns $1.00
- Steamed Dim Sims $1.00
- Warm Banana Bread $2.20
- Blueberry or Apple Muffins $1.20
- Hot Chocolate or Milk $1.60
Due to a supply problem we are unable to offer the following product:
- – Gluten Free Chicken Nugget
Alternate gluten free options are:
- – Butter Chicken
- – Vegetarian Fried Rice
- – Nacho Dippers
If your child has a plastic Keep Cup they can bring it to get their Hot Chocolate.
Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.
If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen.
Thank you.
Margaret Groves
Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements