What a wonderful return to school life we managed in 2022. Our students thrived in both the learning and wellbeing spaces. I feel extremely privileged to have been the Principal of RGLPS during 2022. This year we have implemented new instructional models, initiated School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) improved our data collection and use while also running an incredible production, first ever bushwazee, camps, excursions and swimming programs.
I have watched our students grow and mature over the year and it was especially pleasing to be able to return some stability and normalcy to our student’s everyday lives.
I would like to take the opportunity to wish our whole community a safe and happy festive season and I look forward to seeing you all in 2023.
Parent Payments
Don’t forget our parent payments policy is up on Compass with information regarding 2023 products.
Opportunities for payment will be available on the 30th of January.
If you are in a position to support the school with a voluntary contribution, these have been itemised within the parent payment form for your convenience. As a government funded school there are limits to the extracurricular programs that we can provide for our students and these additional supports really strengthen those extracurricular opportunities. Every donation is welcomed.
Please note the following timeline for collection.

We are very flexible about these times and will have sibling items available at all times.
Staffing Changes 2023
As you may have noticed during our Step Up to 2023 transition day there were a few new teachers who will be working with our community next year. We welcome the following new staff members.
Prep Teacher – Christie Gilder
Year 2 Teacher – Chloe Bindloss
Year 3 Teacher – Abbey Fletcher
Year 4 Teacher – Griffith Gavan
Year 6 Teacher – Ivana Guardiani
Visual Arts Teacher – Brooke de Vries
TOD – Ella Holmes
Janine Versis will also be returning from family leave.
Janine will be working in our career start program where she will support graduates to develop their classroom skills.
We also farewell the following staff members and wish them the very best during their new educational journey.
Susan Winter – Susan is commencing a short term position at Our Lady Help of Christians PS
Lauren Giroud – Lauren commences an ongoing position at Laurimar PS.
Jess O’Sullivan – Jess is commencing her new position at Wonga Park PS
Zoe Zogopoulos – we will still get to see Zoe as a CRT in 2023
Annie Unger – Annie is commencing a short term position at Docklands PS
2023 Start Date for Students
We will have 2 curriculum days at the beginning of term 1 to support our staff to implement some changes to our content. Students will commence school on the 31st of January. We can’t wait to see their smiling faces.
On behalf of all the staff at RGLPS have a wonderful festive season, stay safe and take care,
Kirrily Lamers

End of Year Wrap Up
We’d like to start by thanking everyone for your amazing support this year. It has been fantastic having the students here for a whole uninterrupted school year. We have had such an amazing year with many whole school events and celebrations. Almost every day I feel lucky and privileged to work with this community. We wanted to extend a huge thankyou and congratulations for making it through a sometimes long and tough year. The way you have all supported your children to grow and learn is a credit to all of you. We are looking forward to spending some quality time with our families and relaxing before the beginning of 2023. Have an amazing break and find some adventure!
Luke Franklin and Denisse Lobos – Assistant Principals
The Resilience Project

The holiday period can be a challenging time for families. I wanted to remind you that should you need support, there are many good options. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for support if needed.
External services and resources that can support staff, students and families include:
- Safe Steps(1800 015 188) – provides 24-hour statewide family violence support
- 1800 RESPECT(1800 737 732) – provides 24-hour sexual assault and family violence information, counselling and support
- The Orange Door– supports families experiencing family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children
- Kids Helpline(1800 551 800) – provides 24-hour counselling for young people aged 5 to 25
- What’s OK At Home?– a website for children and young people aged 10 to 17
- headspace– provides access to counselling services for Victorian government secondary school students.
Support for members of diverse communities includes:
- Djirra(1800 105 303) – offers phone and face-to-face legal, emotional and cultural support from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, for Aboriginal people experiencing family violence
- InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence(1800 755 988) – offers specialist family violence support from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, for migrant and refugee women
- Rainbow Door(1800 729 367) – free service by text, phone and email from 10 am to 5 pm daily, for LGBTIQA+ people and allies
- No to Violence(1300 766 491) – works with and helps men who use family violence
- WIRE (Women’s Information and Referral Exchange)(1300 134 130) – free support, referrals and information by phone, web chat and email, from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, for all Victorian women, non-binary and gender-diverse people.
Eventful End to the Year!
This week has been enormous as we close out the school year with a host of events. This week, these have included the Bushwahzee, Whole School Transition Day, Year 6 Graduation, Year 6 Big Day Out to Funfields and end of year parties and Wellbeing Days taking place across the school. Our RGLPS students and staff are well and truly ready for the holiday break, having put in a huge effort across the year to create engaging learning opportunities for all children. I’m sure all parents and carers will join me in acknowledging our amazing teachers and support staff for their huge efforts during 2023.
2022 Semester Two Reports
2022 Semester Two reports and individual Learning Plans will be released to parents this afternoon. Please keep an eye out for a Compass alert advising when these become available.
To access your child’s Semester Two reports, login to Compass and click View Academic Reports -> 2022 Semester 2 Reports
'High Ability Learner Program' (HALP) Graduates
Congratulations to the seven RGLPS students completed the HALP English program this term. These students received a certificate at our End of Year Assembly today: Abigail B, Sullivan C, Marshall H, Avishi R, Quentin (Quinn) R, Kyle S and Ellie V.
As a final note, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy break. I look forward to continuing to update you about teaching and learning at RGLPS in 2023!

Kerron Worsdell
Learning Specialist
Our Inquiry Strategic Team have been working hard throughout 2022 to overhaul the Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Inquiry curriculum for 2023 and beyond.
The Inquiry Model of learning aims to develop students’ understandings of the world around them, by developing their ability to think critically and creatively to ask questions, design and conduct investigations, build knowledge, analyse information, form explanations and arguments, and communicate their findings clearly to others.
Our rejuvenated Whole School Inquiry Scope and Sequence will not only integrate seamlessly with the English and Mathematics curriculum, but also comprehensively covers the Victorian Curriculum Learning Areas of Humanities (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business), Science, Technologies (Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies) and Health. It also aims to develop the Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social, Ethical and Intercultural Capabilities.
To start this process, our teaching staff combed through these curriculum areas to group outcomes that fit together to form cohesive, meaningful units of learning across Foundation to Grade 6. From here, a scope and sequence was developed to ensure learning is built upon from year to year. Each unit clearly states the desired learning outcomes, key curriculum to be covered and suggestions for tuning in activities to kick start the learning.
Throughout these units of learning, students will be encouraged to ask and investigate their own questions, take their understandings further and take action in a meaningful way. We look forward to implementing this work in 2023!
Kate Haysom
Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle
Well done to those who attempted the ‘Dress the Elf’ challenge from last week’s newsletter. Buddy the elf can rearrange the outfits he wears for a total of 27 outfit combinations!
See the combinations below:

Thank you to everyone for your engagement in our maths riddles this year. I have loved hearing your responses around the school yard and receiving your pictures sent in.
Over the holidays, remember to look for maths around you. You can find maths everywhere! Here are some examples of maths I’ve found on some of my past holidays.
Feel free to send any photos of the maths you discover over the holidays to

Thank you to all of our students, families and staff that have supported our fundraising efforts recently. We have recently completed a Bunnings sausage sizzle, election day sausage sizzle, Christmas raffle and our big event for the year, the Slime Fun Run. Our goal was to reach $20,000 with these events, which I can proudly report that we have reached $21,000 with our community’s support. Well done Team Golf Links!
As reported, our goal this year of $20,000 is to go towards our inclusive sensory garden and outdoor learning space, with the plans for the garden published in previous newsletters. The gap between our grant of $200,000 for the inclusive sensory garden and the final project cost is approximately $150,000 due to inflation, building costs and some aspects of the project. Our school council and facilities sub-committee decided that the additional costs are worth the investment into our community, and a project worth doing is worth doing properly.
Therefore, our fundraising efforts next year in 2023 will continue to go to our inclusive sensory garden and learning space. If you would like to be involved in creating events, volunteering at events or being on our fundraising committee, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact: to get involved.


Bronwyn would like to wish the Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Community a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe and happy holiday. They would also like to thank all the students and their parents for crossing the road safely this year, for following the rules of safe road crossing and for setting an excellent example for younger children.
See you all next year!!!
New Arrival - Baby Boy

A big thank you to you all, for your support, advice and wonderful gifts and messages of congratulations on the birth of my first Grandchild.
Baby Jack was born Saturday November 5th, 2022 to my daughter Kathryn abd her partner Tommy. Jack is much loved. He has filled his parents and Grandma’s lives with much happiness and optimism.
We all are so thankful that Jack is growing up in such a special caring community. I hope you enjoy these recent photos of baby Jack – I believe he is so cute.
Thank you again from Bronwyn ( Grandma)
(Brassey Ave School Crossing Supervisor)
Dear Parents
Merry Christmas to All!!
Margaret Groves
Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements