It was great to have our Year 6 students finally participate in the interschool sports final. These little chances to have regular interactions have been missed by our students and we can really see how important it has been for them. Our Prep students were able to get out of the school and go on a walking excursion which has also been of great benefit. Many students gleefully shared tales of the animal noises that they heard during the outing. Whilst we are returning to a somewhat COVID normal world we have opted not to host our typical end of year Christmas celebrations at school. This year it is more important for families to be able to safely celebrate Christmas with their loved ones. It is our hope that 2022 will give us an opportunity to bring the community back into the school and we can share in the milestones that make school life so memorable.
State Wide Orientation Day
We are once again coming to that time when our students will step up into their 2022 classroom. On Tuesday the 7th of December students will spend the day with their 2022 teacher and classmates. Our 2022 Prep students will also spend the first part of the day in their classroom. We anticipate that the majority of our Year 6 students will transition to their new Secondary School during this time but we will still provide supervision for students who do not attend a transition day. The purpose of the day is for our students to step up into their new learning spaces, familiarise themselves with new people and prevent the natural nerves and anxiety they may be feeling if they did not have the opportunity to see what is expected. A range of getting to know you and team building activities will be provided on the day.
Parent payments 2022
Like 2020, 2021 has been a significantly challenging time. As a school we have been very conscious of the financial impact that COVID – 19 may have had on families and as a result we continue to approach our parent payments with a view to ease the financial burden. Our number 1 priority is to continue to reduce the cost of curriculum contributions to a manageable sum. On Monday the 2022 parent payment arrangements will be uploaded to Compass. On the 27th and 28th of January 2022 all families are asked to come into the school to pick up their book bags for 2022. Families can then label their items and return them to school on the 1st of February when school commences for students.
Opportunities for payment will be available on the 27th of January.
If you are in a position to support the school with a voluntary contribution, these have been itemised within the parent payment form for your convenience. As a government funded school there are limits to the extracurricular programs that we can provide for our students and these additional supports really strengthen those extracurricular opportunities. Every donation is welcomed.
Please note the following timeline for collection.
Thursday the 27th January
9:00 – 10:00 Prep pickup
10:00 – 11:00 Year 1 pickup
11:00 – 12:00 Year 2 pickup
12:00 – 1:00 Year 3 pickup.
Friday the 28th January
9:00 – 10:00 Year 4 pickup
10:00 – 11:00 Year 5 pickup
11:00 – 12:00 Year 6 pickup
We are very flexible about these times and will have sibling items available at all times.
Take care,
Kirrily Lamers
Positive Families and Communities
Thursday the 25th of November marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Rosanna Golf Links Primary School stands against any acts of violence be it towards women, children or men. We view ourselves as a community organisation that educates children and community members about appropriate and positive interactions in society and in our homes.
We are here to support you should you need it. If you need help and need support you can also reach out to the following support services:
● Safe Steps (1800 015 188) Victoria’s 24-hour state-wide family violence support service
● 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) provides 24-hour sexual assault and family violence information, counselling and support
● Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) 24-hour counselling for young people aged 5 to 25 years
● Orange Door supports families who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children
● The Lookout for resources on family violence and related services in Victoria
● What’s ok at home? a website for children and young people aged 10 to 17 years old. For further information regarding Respect Victoria’s current campaign please head here:
Whole School Wellbeing Day
Please place a pizza order for your child by Monday 29th November by completing the survey with the link below. If you have more than one child at this school please complete this form for each child.
We’re so excited to be able to share this fun day with students.
Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos
Assistant Principals
ICAS 2021
Most students registered for 2021 ICAS tests have now been able to sit their assessments. The 2021 ICAS extended sitting window closes on Friday 26th November but we will endeavour to support those RGLPS students registered to undertake their ICAS before this date.
ICAS certificates and results will be passed on to students when these are received by the school. Participating students who are awarded a Credit, Distinction or High Distinction for each ICAS will be announced in an upcoming school newsletter. If any parent/carer would prefer that this information is not published in the school newsletter, please advise the school as soon as possible.
Semester Two 2021 Reports
Semester Two Reports will be released via Compass on Wednesday 15th December 2021. These will comprise of the following:
- Overview of Learning
- General Comment
- Integrated Studies and Digital Technologies comment
- Progression Points (for all strands of English and Mathematics only)
- Behaviour and Effort rating (five-point scale)
- Semester Two attendance data
- Specialist Reports – These will include an Overview of Learning taught and a comment on your child’s performance for each specialist content area.
Sarah Mclellan
Learning Specialist
Well done to everyone who solved the problem from last week. A huge thank you to Josie (5JL) for sending through a video of her solving the problem. Look at the screenshots below to see the solution she came up with for the Matchstick Challenge.
HINT: Use materials such as toothpicks, pencils or twigs to model the problem and find a solution.
Extra challenge: What other numbers can you make by moving only 2 matchsticks? What about 3?
If you’d like to share, please send your solutions and challenges to
See if you can solve this week’s riddle below. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.
HINT: Start by using trial and error to solve the value of the other Pokemon.
Extra challenge: Create your own problems using Pokemon, Emojis or other pictures of your choice. Start by writing out your problems using numbers, then swap the numbers for pictures. It’s helpful to have the same number appear multiple times to assist the person solving the problem.
If you’d like to share, please send your solutions and challenges to
Sarah McLellan
Learning Specialist
Space Wattle News
The long awaited Space Wattle seeds have now arrived at RGLPS. After six months onboard the International Space Station and a few weeks onboard Australia Post couriers, we now have the boxed kit.
Students from the Space Wattle team opened the box this week to find a mini-greenhouse, soil and other equipment to ensure successful planting and germination. The only variable we anticipate is whether the seeds were in space experiencing micro-gravity or remained on Earth. All seeds are from the same seedlot.
Due to the short time frame before holidays, we have decided to delay the start of the project until mid-late February 2022. Watch this space in the new year for updates about the Australian Golden Wattle growth and we are looking forward to the start of the Space Wattle Project!
Dear Parents,
Is your child exceptionally talented at AFL, Basketball, Soccer, Cricket, Netball, Volleyball or Hockey? Nominations for these sports for the Victorian Teams that will compete at the National Championships will open on December 1st, 2022.
As an indication of ability, your child would play at a very high level of competition and has most likely won best and fairest at a club or league level. If your child is successful in being selected for Victoria, costs may range between $1000 and $2000 in order to send them to the capital city hosting the National Championships.
RGLPS is allowed to nominate 3 males and 3 females for each sport. If there are more than three nominations, the TeamVic rules state that students will sit an interview with myself and the principal in order to determine selection on merit.
If you would like to nominate your child for the above mentioned sports, please notify me by November 30th, 2022 at
Darren Peters
PE and Sports Coordinator
Mango Drive
Thank you to all the families that supported the Mango Drive this year. We hope they were delicious!!
Sugar Freezies Icypole Day
On Thursday 2nd December we will have a Sugar Freezie Icypole Day. Icypoles will be $1 dollar each
Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements