A very big welcome back to all our students and families. We have a big term planned and look forward to getting back into it. I am very pleased to report that during the first week our students have been demonstrating the school expectations and values in the classroom and in the yard and it has been wonderful to catch up with the students and find out about their holiday adventures. Our ANZAC Day assembly has already given us a great celebration to commence the term and we look forward to many more opportunities to celebrate.
Education Week
Now in its 79th year, Education Week celebrates the strengths and achievements of Victoria’s government education sector.
This year Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Sunday 14 May to Saturday 20 May.
This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’ which celebrates physical activity, hands-on-learning and student voice in education.
We look forward to giving our students the opportunity to showcase their learning to our community during this week set aside to celebrate learning in our schools. Keep an eye out for dates and activities soon.
We have some very good news on the staffing front with Ben Godfrey ready to commence a staged return to work from next week. Ben is recovering from illness and is not yet ready for the rigors of a fulltime classroom load, however on Tuesday and Thursday he will be helping us out to back fill a few bits and pieces. We are so pleased to have Ben back to work. It is times like these that I am so grateful for the supportive community we have here at Golf Links as I know how well supported Ben will be in his return.
After 13 amazing years at RGLPS Melissa Enticott has opted to embark on a new professional journey at one of our neighboring schools. I wanted to take a moment to express my personal gratitude for her commitment and dedication to the students at RGLPS.
Although we are sad to see her go, we are excited for Melissa and the new opportunities that await her. We know that she will continue to make an impact wherever she goes. We sincerely thanks Melissa for everything that she has done at RGLPS and wish her the very best in her future endeavors.
We are very fortunate that Hannah Blake, who has just completed her education support traineeship has agreed to stay on. Hannah has been a mainstay with us for the last 12 months and we couldn’t be more excited to officially welcome her to our Golf Links community
Student Free Days
Just a reminder that the Department of Education has advised that all Victorian Schools can now hold 5 student free days per calendar year. Like last year 4 of the days are the traditional curriculum days and the fifth day is used as a common professional practice day (PPD) for teaching staff. The school council has determined that our whole school PPD will be on the 13th of June following the Kings Birthday public holiday. Please make alternative arrangements for student supervision on this day. We will engage with TheirCare and attempt to arrange care for the day.
Take care,
Kirrily Lamers
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break withy friends and family and that the Easter Bunny stopped off at everyone’s house!
2023 Victorian Premier's Reading Challenge
I logged into the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge site earlier this week and was most excited to see that RGLPS students have registered reading 500 books already this year!
A reminder that all students who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate from the Victorian Premier, The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. These certificates will be awarded at an assembly during Term 4.
It’s still not too late for children to enter the 2023 Challenge. Simply login at with your child’s user-name and password and register the books they have read. (Please make contact with your child’s teacher if you don’t have your their login details).
The Challenge ends on September 8th, which still leaves children with over four months to work towards the targets below:
Prep – Year 2 students Read 30 books – including 20 or more from the Challenge Book List
Year 3-6 students Read 15 books – including 10 or more from the Challenge Book List
Happy reading!
2023 ICAS
In 2023, RGLPS will again offer the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) through UNSW. Children are invited to register for up to six assessments (at parent expense). Competition questions are set in real-world scenarios where students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts, use higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. All participating students will receive a detailed report and certificate reflecting their achievement on each assessment.
ICAS will be held in Term 3 on the dates specified below. Please note that all ICAS will be conducted online in 2023.
Participation in ICAS is completely optional and at parent expense. ICAS assessments are $19.25 each, with the exception of the ICAS Writing, which costs $23.65 per child.
ICAS registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at Please use the RGLPS access code OTR015. All ICAS registrations will close on Monday 31st July 2023.
Please be aware that children will miss a classroom or specialist lesson to complete each ICAS. I also encourage parents to carefully cross check 2023 ICAS dates against external and family events as ICAS do not issue refunds under any circumstances.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Kerron Worsdell
Learning Specialist
We were privileged to have Pramod Kamble, father of Ervin (1NT) and Eric (4SG) address the school during our ANZAC Day Cermony on Wednesday.
Pramod is in the Royal Australian Airforce and we have printed his presentation about where the ANZAC spirit originated and what it means today below:
” Good morning all. Thank you for asking me to come and talk to you this morning to commemorate ANZAC Day, which most Australians, recognise as one of the most important days of the year.
ANZAC…….Now that is an unusual word…….Originally it was not a proper word, it was a set of initials, which described the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who were in Egypt in the First World War. The Initials stood for Australian & New Zealand Army Corps and in 1915, those men, togehter with British, Indian and French soldiers were sent to fight in the part of Turkey known as the Gallipoli peninsula. It was, because of the way those Australian and New Zealanders fought, and the way they faced the hardships and dangers which confronted them that the initials became a word – ANZAC- that today is respected in both Australia and New Zealand.
Their actions forged what has become known, as the ANZAC spirit and that spirit has been the driving force behind all Australian servicemen and women ever since – in France, later on in world war 2, Korea, Malaysia, Borneo and Vietnam, all of which happened long before you were born. It is also present in the peacekeeping operations our service people undertake today.
What does the ANZAC spirit mean? I believe it is a short word for a number of qualities which all of us, not just men and women serving in the navy, army and air force, can usefully use in our everyday lives.
The ANZAC spirit represents a sense of purpose and direction. The original ANZACS knew what they had to do, they knew of the dangers and the difficulties, but they got down and did not let those difficulties stop them from obeying their orders. It is true that the whole campaign did not achieve what was hoped for. However, the soldiers on the ground stayed until their leaders decided it was time to withdraw. You can apply this to your everyday lfe. You know what work you have to do at school and what tasks your parents may have set for you to do around the house. No matter what difficulties you think you are in, think of the way the ANZACs and others who have followed them, push the difficulties aside, and so accomplish your task.
Secondly, the ANZAC spirit represents as acceptance of responsibility. This is another quality you should apply in your everyday lives. Take responsibility for everything you do. it is easy to say ‘I did that’ or ‘that’s my work’ when everything goes right. We all know that sometimes things do not go right. Sometimes you do something, which is against the wishes of your parents and teachers. Remember the ANZAC spirit and take responsibility for what you are doing.
The ANZAC spirit also includes a sense of compassion. This has been summed up in the Australian experience as mate ship. This menas to watch out for your mate, help him or her at all times, and do not poke fun at other people at school because they may have had some misfortune, or come from a different part of the world.
Therefore, these three very simple things are what we mean when we talk about the ANZAC spirit. Another word you can apply to this same spirit is unselfishness.
Now, I like every other person hopes that Australia will never be involved in another war – and that you will never be called upon to experience such a terrible thing. However, you should use these things I have talked about – a Sense of Purpose; Acceptance of Responsibility and Unselfishness, not only while you are at school, but whatever you do in your lives. If you do this, you will be keeping the faith with those who put the word ANZAC into our language and you will be helping to make sure that the ANZAC spirit is always part of life in Australia.”
We would also like to thank Richard Thornton, father of Alice (6IG), Thomas (3NK) and Matthew (1NT) for perform a stirring Last Post on the trumpet, again a priveledge to have this performed live.
Does your child have a passion for science? If so, the Science Talent Search (STS) might be for them. The STS is a highly successful state-wide science competition. It is based around Victorian Curriculum principles, encouraging students to pursue creative, open-ended projects and hone their science inquiry skills.
This year’s theme is Innovations: Powering Future Industries. Students can work individually, or with a partner, to investigate an area of science that interests them. They need to be committed to completing the project in their own time and using their own resources. Projects must be student’s own ideas and work, but parent support at home will be essential for success.
Students can choose to demonstrate their science learning through the following categories:
- – Experimental Research
- – Picture Story Books (Creative Writing)*
- – Inventions
- – Working Models
- – Posters – Scientific Wallcharts*
- – Games
- – Computer Programs – Games and Simulations
- – Science Photography
- – Video Productions
* Must follow given topics relating to this year’s theme
All students who submit an entry into the competition will receive a certificate. There are also monetary prizes for students who perform well.
Friday 5 May – Applications to participate due to Sandy (STEM teacher)
Friday 12 May – Successful applicants notified*
Friday 14 July – Submissions due to Sandy (STEM teacher)
Saturday 5 August – Judging Day (students must be able to attend this day)
*There is a small entry fee of $9 for individual entries and $17 for partner entries
There will be an information session for any interested students during the last week of Term 1.
Please contact Sandy Brewerton (STEM teacher) if you would like any further information ( –
Enrolments for Prep 2024 will work differently to previous years. The State Government has introduced a new state-wide enrolment timeline for all government primary schools. Their aim is to make the enrolment process clearer and more equitable for all families.
Here’s how the prep 2024 enrolments will work:
- Schools cannot accept any prep enrolments in term 1, 2023.
- School tours can commence and will continue during term 2.
- In late term 1, a ‘Prep Enrolment Information Pack for Schools for Parents/Carers for the 2024 school year’ will be distributed to all families by early childhood service providers (kindergartens and childcare centres). The pack will also be available from the school if required.
- Monday 24th April 2023: from this date enrolments can be submitted using the ‘Application to Enrol in a Victorian Government School Form’ from the information pack.
- Open days, information sessions and Education Week celebrations will be held.
- Friday 28th July 2023: enrolment applications are due.
- Friday 11th August: families will receive written notification of their enrolment outcome.
- Friday 25th August: due date for families to return their completed ‘School Enrolment Form’ to accept their prep offer. This form will be included with your letter of offer.
- Prep 2024 transition sessions will take place
Welcome back to canteen for term 2.
Routley’s Meat Pie $5.70
Plant Based Buger – details on Flexischools menu
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