Newsletter – 31 March 2023



There are no upcoming events.


The indoor market stalls were a big hit this week at Golf Links. Not only did our senior students show some great entrepreneurial skills but our younger students were also able to have real life financial transactions. We also celebrated multiple wellbeing days across the school. It was great to see our students engage in some well-deserved down time to ensure that they can remain focused on their learning right until the end of the term.

Early Finish Thursday the 6th of April

Our final day of term is Thursday the 6th of April. We are finishing at 2:30pm with a short assembly at 2:00pm. As usual all parents are invited to attend. It is always a special assembly when the Easter raffle is drawn so we do hope to see you there.

Celebrating Autism Inclusion in April

April is World Autism Acceptance Month (WAAM), and the RGLPS community want to show our support.  Our aim is to create awareness of autism and to foster understanding and acceptance in our community and beyond. One way to do this is to celebrate WAAM. Throughout the week we will be watching some I can videos, Spectrospective videos and diverse learner videos to familiarise our students with some of the inspiring stories.

We will also have a casual dress day on Wednesday the 5th of April to celebrate difference.

School Council Sub-Committees

At our school council meeting last night it was determined that we will have the five sub committees of Finance, Facilities, Policy, School Council Operations (SCOP) and Instrumental Music in 2023. These committees will commence early in term 2 and we are calling out to our community to volunteer to join these committees. In particular SCOP houses our fundraising portfolio and we would truly appreciate some extra hands in 2023. We have committed all past funds to our soon to be built sensory garden, which, thanks to the tremendous support of our community, will be an outstanding addition to the school.

If you do have an interest in joining one of these subcommittees, please contact me and I will set the wheels in motion.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Cyber Safety Parent Sessions

We are very happy to announce that we will be working with Evolve to bring you a session focused on cyber safety and how to help your child/ren at home in using and learning about safe use of technology. We have booked these sessions for May 15th and 16th. We will be running a Years 2 – 4 session and then a Years 5-6 session. Ideally we would like to have people come and attend the session face to face however, we will try to facilitate a live cast for families that cannot make it on the night. I would like to find a time that would enable most people to attend on the night. If possible, could you please head to this survey ( and indicate the best time slot for you? 

Resilience Project

Today’s article from The Resilience Project is all about Mindfulness.  

Mindfulness is our ability to be present at any given moment. We practise this by using intentional awareness and concentrating on what you are doing when you are doing it.

Thousands of studies into Mindfulness indicate that with regular practise, Mindfulness can lead to benefits such as; reduced stress, reduced rumination, increased memory, increased cognitive function and physical health benefits through improved immunity.

View Part 4 of the series here:

Part 4 – Mindfulness:

Mindfulness can be practised through meditation, yoga, flow-states and daily activities such as cooking. 

Source: UC Berkeley, Greater Good ScienceAmerican Psychological Association

For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.


Seesaw Digital Portfolios

All parents will have seen a lot of notifications over the last few days about items recently added to Seesaw. At RGLPS, we make use of the Seesaw platform to provide a continual update on student learning. Parents and carers are encouraged to check Seesaw regularly to view annotated portfolio samples illustrating your child’s progress.


Classroom teachers will upload annotated portfolio samples in the following areas each term:

  •    –  English – Reading and Viewing
  •    –  English – Writing
  •    –  English – Speaking and Listening
  •    –  Mathematics – Number and Algebra
  •    –  Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) – Measurement and Geometry OR Statistics and Probability
  •    –  Inquiry (Science, History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Citizenship, Thinking, ICT etc)

Please note that on occasion, multiple curriculum areas will be illustrated through the one rich task. For example, children may do a presentation of an inquiry project to the class and a recording of this serves as evidence of both speaking and listening and inquiry concepts or skills.

Annotations made by classroom teachers will detail what your child has demonstrated in their work. Learning samples may not be polished or ‘end of unit’ pieces – they are intended to provide a realistic ‘snapshot’ in time of your child’s achievement and learning progress.

Specialist teachers will also upload portfolio sample for their respective subjects each term:

  •    – Visual Art
  •    – Physical Education
  •    – STEM
  •    – Auslan
  •    – Music (Prep – Year 2 only)

There will not be a portfolio sample for Performing Arts this semester. Please note that due to the high number of students each specialist teacher works with on a weekly basis, specialist portfolio samples are unable to be annotated.

Electronic Communication with Teachers - We prefer Compass!

Just a reminder that teachers prefer electronic contact from parents to be made via Compass. All teachers will receive a direct message to their email when parents message them using Compass. Our teachers need to actively login to Seesaw to see messages so there is the danger that a teacher might not see an important message for several days if it is sent via this platform. Please use Compass for all important/urgent communications.


High Ability Learner Programs (HALP) Term 2

Congratulations to the following Year 5/6 students who will be participating in a High Ability Learner Program (HALP) through Virtual Schools Victoria next term. These students are offered a place in a program by the Education Department due to their high academic achievements. Selection is based on 2022 Semester Reports and NAPLAN data. Each program runs for one term and children attend a 55-minute online session each week. Evan Butler is supervising students participating in the program.


Term 2 HALP Participants:

HALP English: Jasper B, Thomas B, Charlotte L, Damon Mc, Ella M (Yr 5)

HALP Maths: Antoni B, Abigail B, Lucas B, Lachlan B, Ava C, Harry H, Ella M (Yr 6), Isabella M, Esme N and Indigo T


Big congratulations to the following students who are completing their Term 1 Higher Ability Learner Programs next week:

HALP English – Lachlan B, Ava C, Harry H and Indigo T

HALP Maths – Thomas B, Charlotte L and Ella M (Yr 5)


These HALP Term 1 students will receive certificates at an assembly next term.


Wellbeing Days

With Term One winding down as we get closer to the Easter holidays, most year levels are scheduling their team Wellbeing Days over the last few days of term. All year levels will enjoy a day of respite from more academically focused learner and engage in fun, wellbeing activities. Activities might include things like a dress up day, class picnic, outdoor or board games, a movie or even a team scavenger hunt around the school! Many student year levels have had input into the make-up of their Wellbeing Days and we are sure they will come home very excited to tell you all about the fun experienced on the nominated day. The Wellbeing Days are a very popular initiative the school commenced in late 2021 to support student mental health. They have also proved a way to provide increased student voice and agency!


Hope everyone has a great final week of Term One!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist



On Monday the 27th of March 10 students from RGLPS went to the Halogen National Young Leaders Day in the city. Along with 4,000 other students, our school leaders listened to inspirational speakers talk about their journey and experiences! Here are what some of our students who participated thought about the speakers:



Does your child have a passion for science? If so, the Science Talent Search (STS) might be for them. The STS is a highly successful state-wide science competition. It is based around Victorian Curriculum principles, encouraging students to pursue creative, open-ended projects and hone their science inquiry skills.

This year’s theme is Innovations: Powering Future Industries. Students can work individually, or with a partner, to investigate an area of science that interests them. They need to be committed to completing the project in their own time and using their own resources. Projects must be student’s own ideas and work, but parent support at home will be essential for success.

Students can choose to demonstrate their science learning through the following categories:

  •    – Experimental Research
  •    – Picture Story Books (Creative Writing)*
  •    – Inventions
  •    – Working Models
  •    – Posters – Scientific Wallcharts*
  •    – Games
  •    – Computer Programs – Games and Simulations
  •    – Science Photography
  •    – Video Productions

* Must follow given topics relating to this year’s theme

All students who submit an entry into the competition will receive a certificate. There are also monetary prizes for students who perform well.


Friday 5 May – Applications to participate due to Sandy (STEM teacher)

Friday 12 May – Successful applicants notified*

Friday 14 July – Submissions due to Sandy (STEM teacher)

Saturday 5 August – Judging Day (students must be able to attend this day)

*There is a small entry fee of $9 for individual entries and $17 for partner entries

There will be an information session for any interested students during the last week of Term 1.

Please contact Sandy Brewerton (STEM teacher) if you would like any further information (   – 


Friday the 24th of March was National Ride2School day. Our Environment Captains visited every class on the day to collect data about how students travelled to school. 52% of our students walked, rode, scootered or skated to school. This equates to almost 30 kilograms of carbon emissions saved. If we did this every school day we would save almost 6000 kilograms of carbon emissions a year. Thank you all for participating in the day and we hope you continue to actively travel to school as much as possible. Remember if you live too far to actively travel the whole way, stop the car a few blocks away and walk the rest of the way. Every little bit helps.



Division Tennis

On Monday this week, Ellie V and Nicholas B travelled to Eaglemont Tennis Club to compete in the Banyule Division Tennis Championships. The competition was very fierce in both the boys and girls sections with many tight matches occurring from all reports. Nicholas played some sensational shots and really enjoyed representing the school at a high level. Ellie, despite losing her first game to the eventual champion, bounced back strongly and defeated every other opponent to place 2nd overall and progress to the Northern Metropolitan Region Tennis Championship! To my knowledge this is the first time we have had a student progress so far into this particular tournament so Ellie has really done exceptionally well to get this far and we will all be behind her when she plays for a place in the State Tennis Championship in two weeks.



Enrolments for Prep 2024 will work differently to previous years. The State Government has introduced a new state-wide enrolment timeline for all government primary schools. Their aim is to make the enrolment process clearer and more equitable for all families.


Here’s how the prep 2024 enrolments will work:




  • Schools cannot accept any prep enrolments in term 1, 2023.


  • School tours can commence and will continue during term 2.


  • In late term 1, a ‘Prep Enrolment Information Pack for Schools for Parents/Carers for the 2024 school year’ will be distributed to all families by early childhood service providers (kindergartens and childcare centres). The pack will also be available from the school if required.




  • Monday 24th April 2023: from this date enrolments can be submitted using the ‘Application to Enrol in a Victorian Government School Form’ from the information pack.


  • Open days, information sessions and Education Week celebrations will be held.




  • Friday 28th July 2023: enrolment applications are due.


  • Friday 11th August: families will receive written notification of their enrolment outcome. 


  • Friday 25th August:  due date for families to return their completed ‘School Enrolment Form’ to accept their prep offer. This form will be included with your letter of offer.




  • Prep 2024 transition sessions will take place




Summer Specials

Beefy Burger  – burger served in a roll with lettuce, tomato, cheese and tomato sauce:          $6.10

                                                                                                                      Extras:          Pineapple:   $0.80

                                                                                                                                              Beetroot:   $0.70



Plant Bases Burger – burger served in a roll with lettuce, tomato and tomato sauce:               $7.10

 (Burger is Gluten Free)                                                                             Extra:  Pineapple:             $0.80

                                                                                                                                    Beetroot:             $0.70


 Fruit – Cantelope   $1 per slice





Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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