Parent Session: Connection by The Resilience Project 6.00 – 8.10pm
June 3, 2024 @ 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM AESTProfessional Practice Day – No school for students
June 7, 2024 @ 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM AESTKing’s Birthday
June 10, 2024Koorie Excursion
June 12, 2024 @ 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM AESTWhole School Production Rehersal (onsite RGLPS)
June 12, 2024 @ 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM AESTInterschool Sports – Year 6
June 14, 2024 @ 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM AESTSchool Production – Sunames A-K (Darebin Arts Centre)
June 17, 2024 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM AESTSchool Production – surnames L-Z (Darebin Arts Centre)
June 18, 2024 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM AESTYear 5 – Summit Adventure Camp
June 19, 2024 – June 21, 2024Year 3 Wellbeing Day
June 19, 2024 @ 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM AESTInterschool Sport – Catch Up Round – Grade 6
June 21, 2024 @ 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM AESTLast Day Term 2 – Dismissal at 2.30pm
June 28, 2024 @ 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM AEST
Public Holiday and Professional Practice Day
Don’t forget that Monday the 10th of June is the Kings Birthday public holiday. We also determined at school council last year that our whole staff professional practice day would precede the public holiday, allowing families to have a mini break during the term. I hope that it gives our students the time to relax after a very solid term of learning. It also gives our staff great opportunities to undertake some additional collaborative learning and continue to make improvements to the programs that we undertake here at RGLPS. On this day, teachers will plan and prepare for term 3, and have an opportunity to book excursions and events for term 3.
Semester 1 2024 Reports
Reports will be released to parents on Wednesday 26th June 2024. Parents will have an opportunity to discuss these with their child’s teacher/s at Three Way Conferences in early Term Three. Further information about Three Way Conferences will be released shortly.
2024 Book Week August 17-23
With our 2024 Children’s Book Week theme; Reading is Magic, we’re celebrating reading stories and their amazing power to transport minds. We are encouraging kids to be curious about the wonders in our world. It is a positive and affirming message for our young people. The magic of reading also lies in its power of enticement; a good story provokes conversations. Talking about the stories with others connects the reader with other readers. Wrapped around all of this are the “tricks” and skills of our amazing writers and illustrators, as they use all their powers of language and illustration to engage the reader in this world they are building.
RGLPS will be celebrating Book Week with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’ next term. Students will be invited to dress as their favourite character at a special assembly and various other activities will also run to celebrate book week. Keep your eyes peeled for further updates as this is always a great opportunity to invite our community in to share in the celebration.
Take care,
Kirrily Lamers
Click here to book:
Two tickets per family: At this stage there are only two tickets available per family. We understand that many families would like extra tickets but with the number of families, this is unavoidable. If spare tickets become available, we will advise you so that extra tickets can be purchased.
Children 2 and under: Children 2 and under can attend free of charge as long as they can comfortably be seated on the laps of full ticket holders.
RGLPS Students: Students at the school will not require seats booked as they will remain with their class groups.
Video and Photography: A professional video recording will be made of the production for families to purchase. No photography or video will be permitted to ensure the safety of all students.
Performing students: Students will be required to arrive at Darebin Arts Centre at 6:15PM.
Final Note: Please ensure that you purchase tickets for the night that your child is performing. Whilst this can be changed in the case of an error, it adds significant workload to admin staff. Thank you.
"Spotlight On"
"Spotlight On: Triple P Online"
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a comprehensive parenting program developed at the University of Queensland. It aims to create supportive family environments and to redirect and prevent behavioural and emotional challenges in children. Offering an array of resources, tools, and strategies, Triple P assists parents in navigating the complexities of raising children while fostering positive parent-child relationships.
3 different Triple P programs are available free of charge: Triple P Online, Fear-less Triple P Online, and Family Transitions Triple-P Online. All programs are self-paced and include videos, resources and interactive learning.
Triple P Online
Triple P Online is a comprehensive online parenting intervention tailored for parents of children up to 12 years old. The program comprises eight online modules covering various topics such as the fundamentals of positive parenting, skill encouragement and teaching, preventive and reactive strategies, and fostering confidence and capability in children.
Fear-less Triple P Online
Fear-less Triple P Online Website
This program equips families with a toolbox of strategies, skills, and knowledge to cultivate resilience in children, manage anxious feelings, and alleviate unnecessary worry. It consists of six online modules, addressing aspects like understanding anxiety and avoidance, promoting emotional resilience and realistic thinking, and facilitating constructive problem-solving. Additionally, there’s an extra module focusing on supporting families through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Family Transitions Triple P Online
Family Transitions Triple P Online Website
This program assists families in navigating the challenges associated with separation or divorce, offering strategies to thrive in new family dynamics. It comprises five online modules covering topics such as family adjustment strategies, coping with emotions, conflict management, and achieving a balance between work, family, and leisure.
Common Questions
- Why Triple P?
Triple P is backed by evidence and has been extensively studied across various cultures and family settings.
- Do I have to do all 3 programs?
No, you can choose which program best suits your family’s needs or situation.
- My family is coping well, should I still engage in Triple P Online programs?
Yes! Parenting programs are beneficial for all families, providing a toolkit of strategies and skills. These programs not only offer support for current challenges but also prepare you for future ones.
- How many adults in the family should engage in Triple P programs?
While Triple P is effective when utilised by a single adult in the family, greater support can be attained when multiple adults (including step-parents, caregivers, grandparents, and other family members involved in the child’s care) engage in the program.
I hope you find this useful.
For further information, please visit the Triple P website.
Jolene (provisional psychologist)
Connected Parenting Webinar
Monday 3rd June 6:00pm - 8:10pm
@RGLPS Staffroom
Registrations are essential!
What you can expect.
Kicking off at 6:00pm, our students will guide you through some GEM-EL (Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness & Emotional Literacy) activities for 30 minutes then we can all jump online to meet the fabulous Lael Stone.
This Connected Parenting Webinar offers a valuable set of tools for parents and carers aiming to raise children through positive connections and communication. Tips for parents and carers will include;
- – Guiding our children to become resilient adults.
- – Practical strategies to build stronger connections with your children.
- – Ideas to support your children when they are frustrated or going through challenging situations.
- – Simple ways to create co-operation.
- – Dealing with our own triggers as a parent.
- – Understanding big emotions and feelings and assisting your kids in becoming emotionally resilient.
Finally, from 7:45pm – 8:10pm we offer our attending parents the space to connect with other parents and carers over a cuppa.
Note: We will provide parents an opportunity to access the recorded webinar at a later stage.
About Lael Stone
Lael Stone is an author, TEDx speaker, counsellor and parenting educator who specialises in navigating trauma and disconnection in families. She has spent the last 17 years working with families, as well as running programs in Secondary schools for teens on relationships and Well being. She is a mother of three grown up children and the co-founder of Woodline Primary School a new innovative school focused on supporting emotional intelligence in children.
Production 2024 - Additional Cost payment via Compass
Our RGLPS School Production is fast approaching, and we are well and truly underway with our preparations for this exciting event.
Additional cost covers the following: – Buses – Costume levy – Programs – Performing Arts Teacher replacement cost
Reminder: Production dates: Monday 17th June – Surnames A-K Tuesday 18th June – Surnames L-Z |
Students will be transported by bus to Darebin Arts Centre to participate in an (almost) full day rehearsal.Students with surnames beginning with A-K will rehearse on Monday 17th June and students with surnames L-Z will rehearse at Darebin Arts Centre on Tuesday 18th June. Teachers and support staff will accompany students to the venue.
P-2 students will leave the school at approximately 9:15am and return at approximately 2pm.
3-6 students will leave school at approximately 10:15am and return by 3:30pm.
Students are expected to take their snack, lunch and water bottle in a small bag with them on the bus and will consume it at Darebin Arts Centre.
Luke Franklin, Denisse Lobos & Cathie Sutton
Assistant Princpial
Perky Panda
Perky Panda visited Rosanna Golf Links Primary School during Monday’s assembly to proudly announce that Perky Panda is officially a book series. The long awaited release of the second book, “Perky Panda Helps Us Make Friends,” has arrived.” The curiosity, enthusiasm and joyous laughter of all the students was absolutely delightful.
There is strong evidence that reading can improve wellbeing throughout life. Reading picture books, emotional literacy and fiction stories can have a very powerful influence on young children, not only in terms of academic achievement but reading can assist children develop empathy and promote their wellbeing. Helping young people understand that it is ok to have uncomfortable feelings and learning the mindfulness techniques to assist to regulate and manage those feelings is imperative in today’s world of challenges. The power of self-awareness and recognition of feelings encourages readers to increase resilience and positive wellbeing.
Dreams, passion and tenacity, inspires us to be our best.
If you wish to purchase – Book now available on Amazon or InHouse publishing or you click on the link the Website link
Maria La Selva
If you have a child starting primary school in 2025, it’s time to enrol. Make sure to submit the 3-page enrolment application by Friday 26 July 2024. If you are enrolling the sibling of a student at our school for Foundation in 2025, and both children will be attending our school at the same time, your child is prioritised for a place at our school as per the department’s Placement Policy.
It is important to follow the statewide timeline to enrol your child in prep. This allows us to plan our classrooms, staffing and transition activities and ensures your child has the best start to school. You will receive email confirmation of your enrolment on Monday 29th July, as well as a more detailed enrolment form to complete and return by Friday 23rd August to accept your prep place.
Prep enrolment forms are available in the foyer at the school office. If you have any questions, please contact Kerilyn in the office.
As mentioned previously, the ’RGLPS Arts and Writers Festival’ will be held during the week Monday 9th September 2024. All students will contribute a writing piece and an original artwork based on our 2024 theme. We have once again organised Author Talks and Workshops for all RGLPS classes during the Festival week.
Here is a peek into one of our visiting authors during the 2024 Festival:
Alice Pung
Author Alice Pung will be running sessions for our Year 5 level. Alice Pung’s first book, Unpolished Gem, is an Australian bestseller which won the Australian Book Industry Newcomer of the Year Award and was shortlisted in the Victorian and NSW Premiers’ Literary awards Her first book for young adults, Laurinda, was published in 2014. Pung has also written the Marly books for the Our Australian Girl children’s series.
Courtney Smith
Learning Specialist
Team Vic Selection
A big congratulations to Zoe G from grade 6, who has been selected to represent Victoria for the u/12 girls Basketball team. She will be heading to the Gold Coast from 27th July – 1st August, representing Victoria (and RGL!) to play games against ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, and WA. Hopefully we can live stream some of her games to keep up with the action. Well done, Zoe!
Division Cross Country
Well done to all the students who spent their Wednesday morning representing RGL at the Banyule Division Cross Country. And thank you to Fiona W who helped on the day. It was amazing watching all our students being so supportive of one another. We had some standout performances and 6 students who will now be competing at the Northern Metropolitan Region Cross Country Championship on the 19th of June. Please find below the students who have progressed to the Region event:
Willa (9/10 Girls) – 1st place
Seb A (9/10 Boys) – 3rd place
Archie We (11 Boys) – 3rd place
Saskia (9/10 Girls) – 8th place
Liam O (9/10 Boys) – 11th place
Zoe G (12 Girls) – 12th place
Congratulations runners and good luck at region!
Interschool Sports
We had two rounds of games this week due to our Curriculum Day next Friday. Please find the results below:
Banyule PS v RGL (Tuesday)
Netball A: RGL def. BPS
Netball B: BPS def. RGL
T-Ball Boys: RGL def. BPS
T-Ball Girls: BPS def. RGL
RGL v Rosanna PS (Friday)
Netball A: RGL def. RPS
Netball B: RGL def. RPS
T-Ball Boys: RGL and BPS draw
T-Ball Girls: RGL def. RPS
Our next match will be on June 14th against Heidelberg PS. T-Ball and Netball will both be playing at Heidelberg Primary School and AFL will be playing at Heidelberg Park.
Canteen Special
Falafel Wrap with Hommus $5.00
Extras: Lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber $0.50 each
Cheese $0.80
Quiche (Lorraine or Spinach) $5.00
Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements