There are no upcoming events.


Week Two

Week Two went very smoothly. The classes have been working hard to get to know each other, the new expectations and systems needed to make it a highly successful year. Our students seem happy and are beginning to form new relationships with friends, teachers and our wider school staff. Our new Prep students have made a fantastic start. It’s been so much fun visiting the classrooms and joining in activities. They really do make the school smile with their inquisitive, and fun-loving nature.

The BYOD Program is progressing well, and our Year Three students should now begin bringing their devices to school each day ready to use for learning. We will work with them to set up programs and websites (username, passwords and bookmarks) whilst working with them to understand computer safety and how to navigate these spaces. Our staff in all levels are working with students to discuss and understand our user agreement and I would encourage you to talk to your children about this.

The Year One students headed off to swimming today and I have been told that they had a fantastic time engaging in the learning experiences.


Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace for Education (available on Compass in School Documentation) safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365 Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese

School Council

An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of Rosanna Golf Links PS

Nomination forms may be collected from the office from Friday the 16th of February and must be lodged by 4pm on Friday, 23rd February 2024.


The ballot will close at 4.00 pm on: Friday the 1st of March 2024.


Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.

The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:

If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.

Luke Franklin

Acting Principal



‘Getting to know you’ Meetings

Getting to know you meetings will occur in Week Four – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February. As our first official parent greeting, we start with a student focus from the parent perspective. The meet the teacher meetings provide an occasion to fast track our teacher’s ability to get to know the students and provide a more personally tailored educational program for them. Bookings will open on Wednesday the 14th of February. These sessions are available in person or through Webex during the week beginning on the 19th of February. Please note the bulk of timeslots will be open for the 21st of February between 3:30pm and 7:00pm.  Each session will be 10 minutes in duration. Once your booking has been made, let your teacher know if you want it on Webex, classroom teachers will then send out a link to the meeting. Please note these are not sessions for reporting as classroom teachers have not yet had time to accurately assess each student’s point of need. They are a great opportunity for you to share information about your children and to open the lines of communication with a new classroom teacher. Please note that SSG’s will commence shortly after. SSG’s are in lieu of a meet the teacher session.

A getting to know your child form will be posted on Compass. It would be greatly beneficial if you could return a copy to your child/ren’s classroom teacher by Friday the 16th of February in preparation for the meet the teacher session.

Student Leader Badge Presentation

Badges will be presented to 2024 Student Leaders during assembly at 9am on Monday 12th February. Parents and family members are welcome to attend. 

Note: Unfortunately the House Captain badges did not arrive. We will call up house captains at assembly; however we will present their badges at a future assembly once badges arrive. 



We are once again very fortunate to be able to work with Melbourne University to host a provisional psychologist for the next 6 months. I met with Poppy (supervisor) and Jolene (new amazing provisional psychologist) on Thursday and have confirmed that Jolene will be joining our school support team until the end of June. More about Jolene here:

“Hi everyone!

I am Jolene, a provisional psychologist and a Master of Educational Psychology candidate at the University of Melbourne. I would describe myself as a creative, warm, and inquisitive individual who constantly seeks new knowledge and skills. In my downtime, I enjoy learning new recipes, visiting new places, and finding the best Matcha Latte in Melbourne.

Before Rosanna Golf Links Primary School, I was part of the Yarra Student Support Services supporting schools within the Yarra network to champion their students’ learning and development. My goal at Rosanna Golf Links PS is to build strong connections and collaborate with students, staff, and parents to support the wellbeing of our young learners. I am very excited to see everyone around!”

If you see Jolene around, please make her feel welcome. She will be doing some general school observation over the next few weeks to get a feel for how our school operates. Should you be thinking that your child could benefit from some counselling please reach out to me and we will begin the process of developing a list of individuals to work with. Obviously, we may have a high demand for her services and limited places. The school undertakes a triage process to allocate time with Jolene. We of course will always do our best to support everyone.

Luke Franklin, Denisse Lobos & Cathie Sutton

Assistant  Princpial


Spelling Mastery

Next week, RGLPS classes will commence using ‘Spelling Mastery’ for our Year 1-6 spelling program. This program represents a significant investment for the school in an evidence based program that has been used to great success at other Victorian primary schools. ‘Spelling Mastery’ is a direct instruction scripted program that incorporates the three approaches to teaching spelling (whole-word, phonemic and morphemic knowledge).

Each child from Year 1-6 will attend three sessions per week grouped with students across the double year level (year 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6) at a similar spelling level. Each lesson should take around 20 – 30 minutes and year levels will synchronise spelling lessons to deliver the program. As mentioned previously, teachers will have a mix of students from across the double year level for spelling for the year, rather than trying to differentiate for a wide spread of ability within their own class. Your child will have their own ‘Spelling Mastery’ workbook to complete activities in.


RGLPS teachers are introducing homework over the ‘Start Up’ period and outlining their expectations around this. 

The RGLPS Homework Policy states: 

For Prep – Year Two, homework will consist mainly of: 

  •    – Reading activities to parents/carers, with parents/carers and by parents/carers. 
  •    – Simple extension tasks associated with classroom activities. 
  •    – Gathering of additional information or materials. 

   – Homework will generally not take more than 30 minutes per day and will not be set on weekends or during holiday                   periods. 

For Years Three – Six, homework will consist mainly of: 

  •      – Independent reading, on a daily basis, for a minimum of 15-20 min. 
  •      – Tasks such as continuation of classroom work, projects and assignments, essays and research. 
  •      – Gathering of additional information or materials.

Homework will generally not take more than 45 minutes per day and may be set during weekends and school holidays. As students’ progress through school toward Year 6, homework may increase in intensity and complexity to better enable transition towards Year 7.

The RGLPS Homework Policy can be found on Compass and is also included towards the rear of this week’s newsletter.  

To find school policies on Compass, see Community Icon -> School Documentation –> School Policies All current school policies are also uploaded to the school website under the Community icon. 


2024 Term 1 Team Newsletters

Team Newsletters will hopefully be available to parents and carers on the afternoon of Friday 8th February. Please keep an eye on Compass for an announcement about when these become available. They can be accessed by clicking the Compass link or using the following pathway: Compass -> Community Icon -> School Documentation –> Year Level Newsletters -> 2024 –> Term 1 2024

Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist



Welcome back to canteen for Term 1, 2024.

The canteen menu is on Flexischools.  For new parents to the school, the “How do I sign up Sheet?” is in your Prep Showbag.


Margaret Graoves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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