Do you have a child starting prep in 2026?
We will be accepting prep enrolments between Tuesday 22 April and Friday 25 July 2025. Please note, prep offers are not made on a first-in basis.
Currently we have availability for school tours on the following dates:
Tuesday 18 February, 10.30am
Monday 24 February, 12.00pm
Thursday 6 March, 9.30am
Friday 14 March, 10.00am
Tuesday 18 March, 9.30am
Wednesday 26 March, 2.30pm
Thursday 3 April, 12.30pm
Monday 28 April, 10.30am
These small group tours will be with our Principal Kirrily Lamers and will last for approximately one hour. Bookings are essential and can be made using this link: CompassTix
Prep 2026 Enrolment Procedure
In 2023, the State Government has introduced a new state-wide enrolment timeline for all government primary schools. The aim was to make the enrolment process clearer and more equitable for all families. Here’s how the prep 2026 enrolments will work:
Schools cannot accept any prep enrolments in term 1, 2025.
In late term 1, a ‘Prep Enrolment Information Pack for Schools for Parents/Carers’ should be distributed to all families by early childhood service providers (kindergartens and childcare centres). The pack will also be available from schools if required. I will also email it to everyone who has registered to attend a tour. The application form is included in this pack.
In late term 1, school zones for the 2026 school year go live on
From Tuesday 22 April 2025, enrolments can be submitted to the school using the 3-page ‘Application to Enrol in a Victorian Government School Form’ from the information pack.
Open days, information sessions and Education Week celebrations will be held.
Friday 25 July 2025: 3-page enrolment applications are due.
From Monday 28 July: families will receive email notification of your enrolment outcome, along with a more comprehensive ‘School Enrolment Form’.
Friday 22 August: due date for families to return their completed ‘School Enrolment Form’ to accept your prep offer. This form will be included with your emailed letter of offer.
Prep 2026 transition sessions will take place in November and December 2025.
Welcome to Rosanna Golf Links Primary School
We invite you to take a short tour with our school leaders and enjoy a fly through video of our grounds.
Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is accredited under the Department of Education’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information, see: