Newsletter –  12 December 2019


There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.



End of Term 4 - Early Dismissal - 1:30pm

Students will be dismissed from school at 1:30pm on the last day of term 4, Friday 20th  December.

On this day we will run a special program where children will only have one break at 11.00 am. It would be best if they were provided with a substantial snack for this break, as lunch will not be eaten at school. Children will be dismissed at 1.30 pm. A final school assembly will commence at approximately 12.30pm on our basketball courts (hopefully with weather permitting).

On Monday 16th of December, in the last week of school we will be having a whole school Tabloid Sports Day. This is an exciting event for all our children and it’s a great day to be involved at RGLPS. If you are free on this day and would like to be involved in an activity, we would love to have you. Please email Luke Franklin, if you would like to be involved. Please ensure that you have paid and consented for this event. Don’t forget to order our special canteen lunch.

Carols By Candlelight Picnic

We look forward to a wonderful evening on Monday for our re-scheduled carols. The weather is looking much more agreeable than last Monday.

Staffing 2020

Our final appointments to vacancies were made last week so I am now in a position to announce the staffing profile for 2020. We welcome Meg Buchanan joining the 3/4 team, Natalie Woodgate and Rhianna Critchley joining the 1/2 team as well as Lisa Pascal also joining the 1/2 teams as a part time teacher of the deaf as new staff members at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School. We hope your stay is a long and successful one with us. We also welcome back Claire Waring and Lauren Zahra to the G-Links Team. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Katrina Smith for doing an excellent job in 1/2H this term and trust we will see her around in 2020.

Grade Placement

At Golf Links we have a very stringent process for grade placement. On the forefront of our decisions is what we as professionals believe is in the best interest of our children as we prepare them for the future. We completely understand that not getting that one friend or that one teacher is at times challenging, but as teachers, families and community we would be doing our children a disservice if we always allow children to have what they want and always providing what they perceive as their first choice.

A huge amount of individual teachers, teams and leadership time has been spent on student and parent friendship considerations.

As professional educators we strive to make the right choices, taking into account all of the information we have about students. Teachers have all of the academic and social information about every child and can make sound judgements to meet the needs of every student. Often children/parents request certain children, but it’s important to consider that the school knows the child’s friendships and that placing them without a particular friend might be so that the child expands their friendship base or another valid reason. We want children to be able to work and socialise with a variety of other children and build skills to make new friends. In addition, sometimes we may get competing requests from other parents/students/staff that have requested that they not be in the same class. Friendships can and do change throughout primary school, students leave, more students arrive and so it is important for children to develop friendship skills.

The complexity around all these changing scenarios is when one combination of students are moved to accommodate a request, it then creates a chess game of up to seven other moves. The hard truth about accommodating all requests is that helping one, comes often at the expense of someone else’s child.

When allocating children to classes, we endeavour to foster positive social interaction across a year group, by making socially balanced classes and to help prevent non constructive relationships. Class time is distinctly ‘work’ time and outside play time is a child’s opportunity to be with friends.  Obviously developing resilience is key for our students, as they develop into lifelong learners in an ever changing world. We need to prepare children for secondary school where they will have different classes, different teachers, and different groups of children. Eventually our children will be adults where they might not get the job that they wanted or perhaps the university course that wasn’t their first choice. I’m passionate about this and preparing our children together is paramount.

Moving Rooms

This year we have a few teacher moving to new classrooms. If you are able to help in any way, we would love to hear from you. Please email Luke Franklin This is a massive job for teachers and any assistance would be appreciated. We will let parents and students know when we will being to operate from new classrooms for the remainder of the year. This is likely to be Tuesday but will confirm via a Compass newsfeed.

Meet the Teacher

Our second ‘Meet the Teacher’ session will occur on Wednesday from 12:30 – 1:30. Students will have lunch in their new grade.

Emergency Evacuation

On Wednesday we will run an offsite emergency evacuation drill to St Martins.

Thank you to our wonderful Parent Helpers and Volunteers

On behalf of the students and staff, I would like to thank all of the family members, friends and volunteers who have assisted at the school in 2019.The school is very fortunate to have volunteers who are willing to give up their time to assist with:

  • Reading, Spelling and other activities in the classroom
  • Camps and excursions
  • Fundraising Committees and School Council
  • School Council sub-committees
  • Sausage Sizzles, Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls
  • Working Bees
  • Mowing Roster
  • Canteen and Uniform
  • Typing and Administration
  • And an array of other events and activities.


Lost Property

As the year draws to a close, please find time to come and see if there is any lost property that belongs to your child/ren. Lost property is stored in the black rectangular container outside the 5/6 building. There are many un-named jumpers in lost property at the moment and unless claimed, they will be resold as second hand uniform. We will endeavor to return all named items of clothing before the end of term.

Student Leaders

Congratulations to our 2020 student leaders. I look forward to working with you next year to make a school an even better place. To the students who did not get a leadership role, thank you for your courage, persistence and effort during this process. It is my hope that you will consider being a part of our 2020 Student Action Team, a body of students who collect data around common issue around the school and enact change to ensure we are an inclusive, collaborative and supportive community.

Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal



Hearing Australia Visits 2020

Please add these dates to your home calendar for Hearing Australia visits to Rosanna Golf Links Primary School.  Please tell your child’s teacher of the deaf if there are specific needs for the Hearing Australia visits, such as gluing moulds, new moulds, connection issues, etc.


Parent Mowing List

On behalf of the school community the Facilities Committee would like to thank Andrew Ellis, Paul Kennedy and Mark Fisher for helping with mowing and brush-cutting the last few years. This is the final year for each of their family’s youngest child at RGLPS and we are very grateful for the many hours given to maintaining our grounds on weekends.

For 2020, the school is looking for up to six parents interested in being shown how to use the ride-on mower, push mowers and brush-cutters and to help maintain the grounds. It would be expected that each parent would mow 2 – 4 times per year. To assist the parents we have Kate Stafford, gardener, and Phillip Groves, maintenance.

The areas of the school where mowing/brush-cutting are required:

-oval, ride-on mower

-triangle out-of-bounds, push mowing & brush-cutting

-surrounds of buildings, ride-on, push mowing, brush-cutting

-boundary fence, brush-cutting

-Finlayson St boundary, ride-on, push mowing, brush-cutting

-Interlaken Pde boundary, brush-cutting.


If you are interested in helping, it would be much appreciated, saving the school contractor fees.

Contact:  or,


Evan Butler, for Facilities 


        Bronwyn would like to wish the Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Community a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe and happy holiday.  They would also like to thank all the students and their parents for crossing the road safely this year, for following the rules of safe road crossing and for setting an excellent example for younger children.

See you all next year!!!



New RGLPS Values

A huge thank-you to all RGLPS families who completed the whole school homework task to help us develop our new school values. Over 115 RGLPS families from across all year levels completed the homework values task, which was a fantastic response. The school has consulted widely (students, families, staff, Junior School Council and Education Sub Committee) to gather feedback about our potential values and is currently refining the list down to a final three. As you probably discovered through the task, many of the values are inter-related and overlap. We hope to announce our new values to you by next week, following our Curriculum Day.


‘School Wide Positive Behaviour Support’ Curriculum Day – Friday 13th December

On Friday’s Curriculum Day, all staff are working with ‘School Wide Positive Behaviour Support’ (SWPBS) expert Louise O’Kelly.


SWPBS is a framework to help schools teach appropriate behaviours to support learning. It is based on the premise that schools need to deliberately teach social and behavioural skills as well as academic skills. By teaching desirable behaviours through positive acknowledgement and correction, students gain a clear sense of what is expected so they can apply these behaviours independently. SWPBS also supports schools and teachers through the communication of clear expectations and improved school wide consistency around behaviours and consequences.


On our Curriculum Day, teachers will:

  • learn more about SWPBS;
  • select our new school values based on feedback from the wider RGLPS community;
  • develop a matrix of RGLPS behaviour expectations;
  • unpack major and minor behaviours;
  • discuss an appropriate consequences process;
  • develop a plan to explicitly teach appropriate behaviours from the start of the 2020 school year.


Implementation of SWPBS is major school improvement strategy in 2020. We will be in regular communication with the wider community about this initiative and give tips on how parents/carers can reinforce these behaviours at home.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach





If you didn’t consent for your details to be transferred over to Their Care, you will need to now go online and create a new family profile for 2020.

Please follow the link at

Once you have created your profile, next year’s booking will open for you to select.

Please do this as soon as possible.


The end of the year is quickly approaching please ensure your accounts are up to date and paid in full by the end of the year.

Account can be payable by cash, cheque, EFT facility and direct deposit is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office (please have your invoice with you).


The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person




Please do not send orders on the day – they cannot be filled as the food has been ordered.

MONDAY 16th – NO CANTEEN ORDERS ON (due to Tabloid Sports)

WEDNESDAY 18th – we have a reduced canteen menu that is available through ON-LINE ORDERS ONLY.

FRIDAY 20th – Canteen closed for cleaning and stocktake.


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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