Meet the Teacher Evening
Next week, RGLPS teachers will be holding ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings. Teachers are offering later appointments on Wednesday 22nd February between 3:30pm – 7pm and may also make themselves available at other times across the week.
‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings are designed as an opportunity for parents and teachers to touch-base and share any relevant information that might help teachers better support each child across the school year. Topics under discussion may include your child’s interests and hobbies, attitudes to learning and homework and any wellbeing or other concerns you might have. Meetings will run for around ten minutes and will largely be conducted onsite. Teachers can conduct online meetings using Webex if that is more convenient for parents.
Information on how to make a ‘Meet the Teacher’ booking was distributed via Compass earlier this week.
We strongly encourage all parents to take this opportunity to meet with and discuss your child’s needs with their teacher/s. We hope all teachers and families can establish strong working partnerships for the 2023 school year.
School Council
An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of Rosanna Golf Links PS.
Nomination forms may be collected from the office from Friday the 17th of February and must be lodged by 4pm on Friday, 24th February 2023.
The ballot will close at 4.00 pm on: Friday the 4th of March 2023.
Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:

If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.
Take care,
Kirrily Lamers


The Student Resilience Survey 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers,
Resilience and wellbeing are key factors to ensure a happy and fulfilling future for our young people.
This year we have chosen to partner with Resilient Youth Australia who have surveyed more than 500,000 Australian school students aged 8-18 over recent years.
Teachers will administer the Resilience Survey to our students in years 3 – 6 online in class time over the next few weeks. Students typically take 30-50 minutes to complete the survey.
The data from the survey will be reported in aggregate descriptive form only, by year level and gender, and no individual student responses can be identified.
The Resilience Survey is completely voluntary and anonymously. The survey will provide valuable information to assist us create and maintain the best culture of wellbeing and resilience that we can at our school.
For more information about the survey please visit this website:
Should you wish for your child not to participate in this survey please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s participation in this survey project, please contact Luke Franklin on 94574178.
If you haven’t already checked out The Resilience Project TRP@HOME website head to:
Given the hot weather we experienced this week, it is a good reminder of ensuring we are looking after ourselves. Wearing a hat, covering up and applying sunscreen, seeking shade and drinking plenty of water is very important. Our SunSmart policy which can be found on our website: provides further information about how we look after our students at school. It is a good idea to apply sunscreen in the morning before coming to school also.

Term One 2023 Team Newsletters
Term One 2023 Team Newsletters are now available to parents and carers. These newsletters include useful dates for the term as well as an overview of the Term One learning program in English, Maths, Inquiry and other curriculum areas. The specialist team have also produced a summary newsletter of their programs for the term. We hope that parents find this information useful – please take the time to read the relevant document for your child’s year level to stay abreast of what is happening at school.
Team Newsletters are permanently stored on Compass under School Documentation. Please use the following pathway to access these: Compass Community Icon (heads symbol) -> School Documentation -> Year level Newsletters -> 2023 -> Term One 2023
Alternately, you can access newsletters via the Compass announcement.
I hope everyone has a great week!
Kerron Worsdell
Learning Specialist


Camps Excursion and Activities Fund (CSEF) - (for parents holding a current Health Care Card)
Applications are now open for 2023 CSEF funding. If you received CSEF in 2022, I have submitted an application on your behalf and nothing further is required from you unless there is a prep student to be added. In this case, please contact me on to confirm I have added your student.
CSEF funding is a government initiative to assist families where a parent or carer is the beneficiary of a financially means-tested card (most commonly a Health Care Card, however please contact me if you require the full list of eligible cards). The funding is to be used for camps, excursions and activities. Please advise the office or chose the CSEF option on Compass when you wish to access the funds for any of these purposes. We don’t do this automatically as some parents prefer to pay smaller amounts themselves and use the funding for more expensive activities such as camps. Any unused funds are automatically rolled over to the following year and are transferred to your child’s next school if applicable.
If you are an eligible parent, and have not received CSEF in the past, please call past the office to collect an application form and present your card.

Summer Specials
We are going to try different ‘Summer Specials’ this term. Please check Flexischools when you are ordering. We will also offer different muffins each week.
We are trial fruit over the counter sales again – the fruit for the following week will be advertised in the Newsletter.
Next Week:
Muffin – Mixed Berry
Fruit – Watermelon: $1
Canteen Helpers
If you are are interested in helping at the canteen please fill in the form below and return to the school office.
Volunteering at the canteen is a good way to see your child at school and to meet other parents, especially if you are new to the school. The kids love to see you in the canteen. It is easy work, just the same as at home, preparing food, dishing up and cleaning up, only on an a larger scale.
Any profit we make goes back into the school.
Looking forward to meeting some of you.
Margaret Groves Peta Rose
Canteen Manager Canteen Assistant

Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements